Why does the coolant in my car need changing?

Why does the coolant in my car need changing?

Engine coolant, commonly known as anti-freeze, does degrade with age but under normal conditions you probably won’t need to change the coolant in new models, most late-model vehicles until 100,000 km’s and in some cases 150,000 km’s. Older and aging vehicles require more frequent coolant replacement.

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Common Power Window Problems

Power windows are one of the great invitations of the modern car. They are made up of three main components. Regulators are the mechanisms inside the car door that move the window and allowing you to open and close them. Most modern cars have electric power windows which are operated using a group of switches, regulator and an electric motor and it is common that they become worn or damaged over time.

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10 Maintenance Things

Regular servicing and inspections is important in all makes and models, but there are some small, but important checks that will help to keep your car running smoothly, reliably and safely, if done regularly could help reduce the cost of repairs.

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